3 steps to stop getting stuck when speaking


Hi! In today’s video, we’re going to look at three steps to never get stuck when speaking again. This is a bit of a different video than usual getting stuck .  I’m experimenting with a new format. I hope you like it.

Hi and thanks for joining me. So as I was telling you, today, it’s going to be a video a little different from what I usually do. It’s a video that’s going to be a presentation of what I see on the screen. So we go to the screen and I show you what I’ve prepared for you. In fact, it’s what we call a “heuristic map ” or a “mind map” in English. And we’re going to see three steps to no longer block when speaking.

So we’re going to develop this topic as we go along. I have the introduction branch. It’s actually basically a mind map that I prepared for a live YouTube broadcast in June 2022 , which was a great success. So that’s why I summarized it. It was a live broadcast that lasted over an hour, and here, I would like, in 15 minutes, to

really summarize the steps that will allow



So this presentation is broken down into three steps. First, we’re going to ask you to relax. You can’t speak properly without blocking if you don’t relax. Then, you’ll have a part of learning while having fun and practicing serenely, quite simply.

So the first step is to relax, really. No stress, no stress. You are often much too anxious, much too stressed when it comes to expressing yourself and that is what blocks… that is what blocks you in fact. When  uae whatsapp number data you want to express yourself, you block because you have negative emotions. Your problem is more often an emotional problem than a purely language learning problem.

And you have to accept making mistakes. That’s why I said you have to be realistic. Natives make mistakes. They make few mistakes, but they do. When speaking, natives make mistakes. Sometimes I record a  glenn johnson president video and I make small mistakes in French without realizing it. And people tell me in the comments: “Johan,

So be realisticaccept making mistakes

Don’t be afraid of what other people think. If you make a mistake, no French person will make fun of you or laugh. And if you come across someone who does it, it’s because that person is stupid and doesn’t deserve ao lists  your attention. You can’t make fun of someone who makes the effort to speak our language. And the French, in their vast majority, will be happy, honored that you make the effort to speak their language. So don’t be afraid of making mistakes, don’t be afraid of what other people think.

When you’re going to speak… very important… speak slowly. Often when you’re a little anxious and you’re speaking in a foreign language, you want to go fast, you want to get the message across quickly, because you think: “If I speak quickly, I’ll be calmer sooner”, because it’s uncomfortable to speak in a foreign language.

On the contrary, take your time, because your brain needs time to think, to look for words, concepts. And so, even if you speak naturally, in a fluid way, you have to speak slowly to be relaxed. Someone who speaks quickly, they give the message to their brain: “Quickly, we have to hurry up”. It’s not a serene thing to have this state of mind. Whereas if you speak calmly, you give the message to your brain, to your body, well that everything is fine, we have the situation in hand.

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