See life through rose-tinted glasses


Hello and thank you for joining me for this new episode of the Authentic French podcast life through . Today, we are going to look at a new idiomatic expression together, like every Sunday. Today, we are going to look at the expression “voir la vie en rose”. Last week, we saw the expression ” crier comme une Madeleine “. So I invite you to listen to it if you haven’t already.

So, before venturing into the explanations of the expression “voir la vie en rose”, I would like to quickly tell you about the Authentic French Academy . So as you know, the entrances for the academy are clos almost all year round, let’s say about 80%, 90%. But know that from April 7, you will be able to join the academy for this great adventure together. All you have to do is click on the link in the description to discover all the content that the academy can offer you and register on the waiting list to be inform as soon as registration opens on April 7.

So, tell me, do you see life through rose-tint glasses? So I’ll start with the explanation of the words in the expression.

hich is a verb and means to perceive something with one’s eyes

Then we have “life”. Life is existence, it is the fact of living.

And then we have the word “pink”, which is a pale r color. It’s actually the color of the flamingo, the pig, etc.

So concerning the origin of the expression, well it dates back to the end of the 19th century. So for a long time, the color pink, well it has been associat with love, tenderness, optimism etc. And this  uk whatsapp number data expression became popular thanks to the famous song La vie en rose by ith Piaf in 1947. The lyrics describe how love can transform our vision of reality and make life more beautiful and prettier. So here is an excerpt.


That’s it for those pretty lyrics. So if you know the song a little bit, I think that, thanks to me, you’re going to have it stuck in your head all day, so that’s great.

So the expression “seeing life through rose-color cristina schmitz economic support supervisor – social services  glasses” means adopting a positive attitude towards life. It is seeing things from a favorable angle despite the difficulties, it is being optimistic and happy, let’s say in all circumstances. So a person who sees life through rose-color glasses, well, they are fill with happiness, they are fill with love and they forget all the negative things around them. So the cause of this enthusiasm is often a happy event, such as a romantic encounter for example.

I will give you three examples, three contexts

so that you can understand and grasp the meaning of the expression.

First example: “When Sophie is with her boyfriend, she feels lighter. She feels like she sees life through rose-tint glasses.” So here, we see that Sophie feels well-being, she feels good, she feels light, so she  ao lists forgets all her problems, all her worries, and she sees life completely through rose-tint glasses.

Second example: “Since Sarah mov to New York, she sees life through rose-tint glasses. Everything seems possible to her.” In this example, we see that the person is in a context that she probably want. She mov to live in New York. So I think it’s something that makes her very happy, very good. So here, we say that she sees life through rose-tint glasses because everything seems possible to her, she sees everything positively, she feels good and she forgets all the worries that can exist in life.

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