Hello everyone and thanks for joining me for this new video difficulties in French . Ah, pronunciation. This is really a topic that comes up very often. Many of you contact us and say: “Johan, do you have any advice for me to improve my pronunciation?”
So, of course, pronunciation difficulties will be different depending on your native language. It is clear that a Spanish speaker will not have the same difficulties as an Arabic speaker and vice versa. So it is really specific to your native language, but I think it remains a global subject. Whatever your native language, the little tips that we are going to give you today will help you improve your pronunciation.
Today we have selected seven difficulties
that often come up among learners. The goal is for you to focus for a while on these seven different sounds, to pay attention when you hear them, when you hear a native speaker pronounce them, and to progress little by little without stress, so listen carefully to these seven difficulties with a few tips. And we offer you a little exercise at the end.
To go further, you can download the PDF sheet that accompanies today’s lesson, it’s the first link in the description. It covers everything we’re going to see today. I invite you to open it now in a new tab and download it to go further.
First pronunciation difficulty: the letter
The “r” in French is very distinct from the “r” in other languages. In French, the “r” is rather dry and well pronounced. To pronounce it correctly, I invite you to use your throat, the “r” comes from the throat, and to canada whatsapp number data perhaps imitate the growl of an animal. rrrr, rrrr, rrrr. This sound is very common in the French language, so it is imperative that you master it. There are a few subtleties to know.
When we have a consonant + an “r” at the beginning of a silambarasan ramasamy syllable, then the “r” is strong. For example, in the word “program”. You hear that the “r” in ” program ” is strong, because we have a consonant + the “r” at the beginning of a syllable. Program.
When the “r” is at the beginning of a syllable
so without a consonant before it, you just have the “r” at the beginning of the syllable, so the “r” is average. Smile. We had programmed, smile. The “r” here is average.
Program, mouse, money
You hear that the “r” is more or less strong.
Of course, this is something that will come with time, with experience. Don’t focus too much on it. You can’t, when you’re speaking French, say to yourself: Well, is the “r” at the beginning of the syllable, at the end ao lists of the syllable? Is there a consonant before it? In which case, it will be stronger. You can’t do that while speaking. On the other hand, you can say to yourself when listening to content: “I’m going to pay attention to that”, just to accustom your ear to these subtleties.