With the backwpup plugin


With visual composer we can transmit information that, without a visual composer, we could not transmit, since we would be much more limited when displaying the information.

The main advantage that visual composer has, besides being very powerful, is that it has a large community behind it, and that community usually develops plugins that add more dynamic elements to visual composer, so the possibilities are endless.

The only thing we should keep

in mind is that visual composer is a premium plugin and you have to pay to use it, but it is definitely worth it.

10.- backwpup
backups are one of the most important elements of any south korea phone number library website and any computer system.

If a problem or incident occurs, if we do not disqus comment system allows have a backup we can have many problems and we can even lose our data.

we can automate backups

of our wordpress installation and we can even automate uploads to an external destination such as a dropbox account, an amazon s3 account or an ftp account.

Personally, i think backwpup is one of the best solutions to set up wordpress backups for free.

You can find more information about backwpup here .

11.- wp-optimize
the wordpress database often fills up b2b phone list with “garbage” and useless data as the website is used, since when we uninstall a plugin, there are usually residues left in the options table of our site.

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