In our newsletter today, we sent a summary of everything that is happening around iOS 14. It seemed like such an important topic that I decided to publish the information on the blog.
We already wrote about this change in the August digest. The point is that now every app will have to ask if you allow it to track you across other apps.
FB has sparked a huge debate
Around this topic and has tried to reverse Apple’s decision (at least it managed to delay it). They claim that it will viber database endanger small businesses. Ehm. Anyway, FB is the only one that has really introduced a lot of changes to its advertising system following iOS 14.
Removed the conversion window of 28 days after the click and 7 days after the impression. In addition, conversions will now be attributed to the day the conversion occurred (not the day the impression occurred). The conversion window will be set at the ad set level.
It made it impossible to break down offsite conversion data by demographics and placements.
One domain will be able to use click-through landing page a maximum of 8 events that it will be possible to optimize for. If one of your ad sets optimizes for an event that is no longer available, the ad set will be disabled.
When promoting apps, it will be possible to use only 1 account and 9 campaigns, each with a maximum of 5 ad sets. To promote an app on IOS14, you need to create a separate campaign.
FB further warns:
pixel-based custom audiences can be smaller, so FB recommends testing other audiences
data will be delayed by up maldivian lads to 3 days, so FB recommends optimizing for conversions that happen as soon as possible after the click (for example, view content)
When promoting apps, the SKAdNetwork API will report Facebook results aggregated at the campaign level. FB will use its models to estimate conversions at the ad set and ad level.