A first-party cookie is information that comes from the website the user is browsing . This
data is collected with the user’s consent so we can continue to use it to provide a better experience .
In addition, some platforms are adopting the use of first-party cookies to optimize their functions.
Facebook, for example, allows advertisers to use its first-party cookies to accurately analyze
web traffic .
Third-party cookies used by the platform are automatically deleted after 24 hours, however, if the user
prefers to use their own cookie with the Facebook pixel, they can do so.
First-party cookies may not be enough to give you a broader view of the user in all the environments
you require. Therefore, you can use other solutions in conjunction, which you will see below.
2. Use contextual data tools
Contextual data tools allow you to better shop understand the context of each customer interaction
with your brand . You can collect a variety of data types, including transactions, locations, psychographics , and more.
With the help of these tools you can provide a better experience for the visitor to your web
domain , by offering, for example, advertisements relevant to the topic they are consuming.
For example, if a visitor to your domain is reading an article about dog care, you can present them
with an ad for pet food or products.
3. Do semantic analysis
Semantic analysis, also known as Semantic the off-topic of this digest is… photo shoot! Contextual Targeting, focuses on what millions of users on the Internet are reading. Through this process, in the long term, you will be able to impact the websites where you think users are.
To do this, you need to collect keywords from URLs , organize them into topic clusters, classify them into categories, and then create identifiable and precise segments.
Nowadays, there are tools that use artificial intelligence and can be useful to help you in this task, such as SEMRush.
4. Create predictive models
Another solution that relies on artificial b2c phone list intelligence is the creation of predictive models.
With the help of Machine Learning, it is also possible to create models with potential buyers that will help you understand their search patterns and contribute to the precision of your future strategies.
5. Use the Device IDS
Device IDS are simple applications available for devices running Android that allow you to discover the ID and email associated with a device.
This resource allows you to do targeted advertising , since by creating a personal profile for each ID, you can segment them.
When these IDs visit a website, you can show them advertising tailored to the group they are segmented into, providing a better user experience, generating greater engagement and encouraging conversion.
6. Adopt Member-Get-Member type strategies
Attracting new customers is the goal of true marketing, but now with cookieless you don’t have to limit yourself to attracting them with data.
While taking advantage of Big Data gives you greater assertiveness , there are still some traditional marketing formulas that continue to work.
One such strategy is the Member-Get-Member type, meaning “one user brings another user.” Despite the digital age, companies in this sector continue to use this strategy because it yields results.
UberEats, for example, in most of the countries in which it is present, rewards in some way users who invite their friends or acquaintances to join the community of new users.
You can analyze the best way to reward a customer and incentivize them to help you attract new users.
Without a doubt, it is an excellent strategy that never goes out of style.
7. Include the solutions offered by Google
Google is aware of the impact of cookieless on businesses, which is why it has also developed its own solutions.
Privacy SandBox is a closed ecosystem that offers to provide greater protection that complies with data privacy policies , while still personalizing your ads.
Although it may be a controversial solution for some, Privacy SandBox allows advertisers to access Chrome to obtain details of a user who entered their domain. This information is not very detailed, but it will let the brand know something about the user.
Another solution offered by Google is FLoC, Federated Learning of Cohorts . This solution aims to move from individual segmentation to group segmentation by means of an algorithm.
This means that advertising is distributed to different groups of users segmented by similar interests and not to individual users.
8. Implement consent marketing
Consent Marketing or Permission Marketing is the strategy that asks for users’ authorization to send any type of advertising.
The strategy is based on brand transparency and only begins to contact consumers with their prior permission.
The advantages of this type of marketing, in addition to the risks that can be avoided by regulations that are concerned with data privacy , is the great public acceptance, generating a transparent brand concept among users.
9. Advertise on specific sites
Another more traditional alternative is to find specific websites that identify with your brand concept so that you can advertise on them.
Nowadays, there are plenty of possibilities and by doing a good search you will be able to find web domains that fit your audience almost 100% .
Moreover, on these websites you can not only post ads, but you can also build partnerships to contribute to each other and help generate more and more organic traffic . A good SEO strategy to complement your strategy can do wonders for your domain.