Anyone who works with texts knows

If you like Marvel comics, series or movies, you’re probably familiar with the name J. Jonah Jameson, the editor of the Daily Bugle, a fictional newspaper that continually defames Spider-Man.

Well, the figure of the editor is not only present in newspapers, where he supervises production, manages content, gives his opinion and writes about certain “sensitive” news or those that require a more personal point of view.

It is also present in books, magazines and, in general, in everything that can carry content, especially written content.

No, it’s not a matter of newspapers and books

Of course, it is a key figure in content and advertising agencies, as well as in marketing teams, although in Spain it is not yet as popular as in other countries.

When there is no content manager, it is usually the content manager who takes over the role, which basically consists of reviewing, improving, unifying, and starting over.

that editing the work of writers takes up a lot of time. Especially when whatsapp data there are several writing professionals working on the project.

In these cases, the editor is responsible for ensuring that the writer has not made any typographical errors (those double spaces…), that the argument is coherent and, above all, that the tone of voice is unified and consistent with the verbal identity of the brand.

This is something to keep in mind

When choosing between a content agency or a freelance writer, since in the first case the drafts  delivered to the client are much more polished because they have by the way, hanka kobzová shared an interesting experience already gone through several internal rounds of editing.

This profile is also essential when a company uses guest authors, as the Semrush blog does.

The multi-author strategy can be super powerful for SEO, but it texts know requires a considerable amount of editing effort.

Someone has to ensure that all the content

Created by the different voices adheres to the style manual and is consistent with the editorial line, and that someone is the editor.

Furthermore, within a company, content written by leading italy numbers experts in a specific subject is sometimes published: the so-called SMEs or Subject Matter Experts.

They tend to be highly technical profiles with extremely texts know valuable ideas to share, but they are not professional writers.

So what do we do to make sure that this content is on-brand and easy to read? Although a copywriter or content manager can also do it, the profile best equipped for this task is, without a doubt, that of the editor.

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