We are not trying to do anything different or special What makes Schwerkraft. On the contrary, the other larger publishers are an incentive and a role model in many areas. So it is more about adopting what is right from others and at the same time learning from their mistakes.
But what really sets us apart is that we don’t develop our own games. We are a pure localization publisher. For some licensors, this is an important point, as it means there are no conflicts of interest. We treat the licensed games as if they were our own.
What challenges and problems did you have to overcome or are you having to overcome with the publishing house?
Those are two questions, aren’t they? One of the problems in the past was certainly the lack of awareness and the resulting lack of interest from retailers that is inherent in every new company. That’s why we set up our own webshop in the year we were founded to ensure that we could reach all customers, even if retailers weren’t initially interested in our games.
Of the current problems, personnel is certainly email list a bigger dilemma. But we are not alone in this, because all publishers are currently looking for editors and translators. The larger ones are also looking for sales people. What makes Schwerkraft But it is shocking how bad the punctuation of some applicants is, for example. A publisher of print products is of course very careful that its texts appear flawless to the outside world.
What possibilities and opportunities does the Internet offer you?
I have already mentioned our web shop above, which enables us to offer our games across the board, even in places where we do not have a trading partner. Your the maximum annual income cannot be higher than 2.4 million rubles readers are probably familiar with most of the advantages of the internet, but we find the simple medium of email particularly appealing. Fast communication with our customers has always been important to us, but we do not yet have the capacity for a telephone hotline. We simply do not have the volume for that. We can, however, answer email enquiries without having to be there all the time.
You sell your games through your own online shop. How well does that work and how do you advertise it?
This is now working very well What makes Schwerkraft. It just uae phone number took a while to understand the most common concerns of our customers. Our product descriptions are now such that we receive fewer queries than at the beginning.
We do not actively promote the shop. We only promote the products and often cite the shop as a source. I think that a product advertisement is much more interesting for the customer than a general shop advertisement because it is more varied and inspires the customer more.