Review, future and voting for the best website of the Niche Sites Challenge 2017

In this article I would like to take a first look back at the challenge and, among other things, discuss what went well and what didn’t.

You will also learn what I have learned for the future and how I envision the next challenge.

I’m counting on your participation in the vote for the best niche website among the participants. Here you can help decide which niche website is the most successful.


Niche Sites Challenge 2017 Review

In the end, the 13 weeks have flown by and it is time to take a first look back Niche Sites Challenge.

This year there were some major changes to the challenge, which I think worked well for the most part. The coaching format was well received, even though many people missed having a niche website of mine. Nevertheless, the coaching enabled me to address aspects, problems and questions that I would never have asked myself. This way I found the reports and articles more varied this time.

I have been able to gain a lot of experience myself that will have an impact on my work in the future. I have seen first-hand what the main problems are for many beginners and I will be focusing more on this in my articles in the near future.

For me personally, this challenge was less stressful than usual. I had more time to oversee the entire challenge and that was fun. I was also able to make great contacts and I noticed that I enjoy coaching. Let’s see how I can use that in the future.

However, there were a few problems during the three months. One or two official participants dropped out. There were good reasons for this, but it was obviously not ideal for the readers.

Another problem is more fundamental Niche Sites Challenge. Today, it is hardly possible to get a new niche website to the top of Google in 3 months. That is why the rankings of the participating websites are not where they should be and the income is still low. There was simply not enough time.

All in all, I am satisfied with how the niche site challenge went Niche Sites Challenge. The entries from participants, even though there were fewer of them, are of high quality and offer many interesting insights. Anyone who followed the challenge was able to gain a lot of know-how and that was one of my main goals for the challenge.

Of course, I’m looking forward to your feedback on the niche site challenge.
What did you like and what didn’t you like?
What ideas do you have for the next edition of the challenge?

Future of the Niche Sites Challenge

This challenge as a passive coach has really made me want to create my own niche website again. In the coming year, I will definitely be working on a niche website myself again. Ideally, I will be competing against another expert.

The problems mentioned above regarding the duration of the challenge will almost certainly mean that I will say goodbye to the 13-week format. The 3 months are too short on the one hand and too stressful on the other. While you are still very busy in the first 4 weeks, the following tasks simply need more time. Instead, some tasks are completed too quickly and that also only leads to stress and little to show for.

That’s why I’m currently considering running the niche site challenge for a total of six months . That sounds like a lot, but I would divide it into different phases.

The first phase (approximately the first month) is quite intense. Finding a niche, building a website, creating content and initial marketing measures. Once you’ve finished with that, you move on to the second phase, which is much less demanding.

The further expansion of the niche website, the marketing measures, the monetization and the optimization simply take more time. In this case, it is completely sufficient if the reports come at greater intervals. This way, things will be less stressful in the future and you will also see more interesting results. After 6 months, the niche website should already be ranking well and generating decent income.

In the near future I will plan how I could best organize this. Of course, I would be happy to receive your feedback and suggestions.

Voting for the best niche website

Of the original 5 coaching participants, only 3 remained in the end. And even among the experienced participants, not all were still active at the end. Nevertheless, really good and interesting niche websites emerged.

Therefore, below you will find a vote on which of the 8 niche websites you like best (2 of the niche websites are from Anabell).

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