Beyond the Pain: A Conversation with Top Athletes

“There is a pleasure that is easy to imagine, namely that a body is made so that one has the pleasure of raising one arm.

Then the other, and then doing gymnastics and jumping, and running, and shooting and doing whatever one wants.. Conversation with  . But there is also another one that athletes testify to. Which escapes phallic meaning and pushes their organism beyond even pain.

The conversation “Painful bodies and sports”. During the conference held in Metz on March 5. Allow us to hear how unique approaches can be original while responding to common logics. Sport and dance, bodily practices, are about movement. Roland Huesca had a project to explore different modes of breathing in a choreography with several dancers.

By the purification of a Conversation with  movement

the body disappear behind breathing practic by several people, reconstituting a ballet corps. The training was relentless, eight hours a day. The artist, while testifying to having been “at the top of his form”, was gradually seiz by suffocation which requir hospitalization and then regular treatment with Ventoline to deal with these manifestations. He would accurate clean numbers list from frist database  have to write about what this bodily phenomenon was in order to free himself from it definitively, the only definitive treatment. What was this ne to write? Roland Huesca explains to us that in his writing, he found the same exploration or projection in space as in dance. As a  what is the declaration currency when sending a parcel choreographer, he is sensitive to the writing dimension of the body: body-letter or speaking body to be able to make it say new signifiers according to the choreographies.

 A top-level track cyclist

gave us another version of this necessity. Caught up in the extreme pain of the exercise, his visual field narrow to focus only on the handlebar stem, the only fix point in this frantic race. It was the  list of real mobile phone numbers sound of a bell that told him that he had to go even faster to start a relay with his brother, a fraternal chain for a common destiny, to become one. His body, on the other hand, was ruc to the rank of a machine. It was necessary to measure, quantify or scrutinize this body travers by pain. It was therefore in a bioscientific discourse that he found a first knot. Ideals were summon through fraternity or performance. But in the development of this discourse, we also hear the attempt to confine pain to an invariable and desubjectiviz quantum. So the (good) form was held by the phallic knot of the ideal.

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