4 reasons to continue investing in social media in times of crisis

In times of coronavirus and social isolation, the temporary closure of stores, companies, offices, schools, colleges and businesses in general is the reality we live in.

In situations like this, it is not uncommon for business owners to significantly reduce spending to avoid further losses. Typically, the first resources to or canceled are marketing, campaigns, and advertising.

What many people don’t know – or aren’t properly advised – is that communication can be the key to reversing a drop in sales and, as a bonus, building customer loyalty.

Below are 4 reasons to continue investing in social media in times of crisis and don’t let your company be affected!

1) Everyone is on social media

Regardless of whether we are in times of telegram number list or not, the truth is that social media is already part of people’s lives.

According to the Digital in 2019 report , 66% of the Brazilian population uses social media, with YouTube in first place, Facebook in second and WhatsApp in third place. Quite a lot, right?

Now, let’s review the current situation in our country and the world. In the midst of a pandemic, the recommendations are for everyone to avoid social contact and maintain isolation. It’s to stay at home.

According to a study conducted by the Kantar consultancy, the worldwide use of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram grew by 40% during the period of social isolation – which is still ongoing. In other words, the trend is for this use of social networks to grow even more.

By investing in social media wisely, in a planned and focused manner, the chances of reaching your target audience and growing, even in times of crisis, are high. For this, digital marketing is a great ally.

2) Cost-benefit

The costs of investments made in the digital what is strategic management? are very reasonable when compared to the profit they can bring to the company, which is very good both for the financial side and for strengthening the brand.

It may seem simple to use a social network like Facebook, for example, but it takes much more than knowing how to post an image. For results to be great and profitable, campaigns need to and executed by people trained to do so. That’s why investing in an agency specialized in digital marketing is essential.

3) It’s more practical

Running an online campaign is uae cell number than running a traditional one. Although you need a trained team, there is no need to hire billboard companies, for example.

A social media campaign can entirely via Skype. WhatsApp, phone or video call, if you prefer. After all, the digital marketing company you hire will be responsible for all the research, analysis and posting.

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