A good journalist is recognizable from miles away

Another advantage of journalists who have switched to content marketing is that, accustomed to the immediacy of news, they are able to get you a solid article on whatever you need in a matter of hours (as long as you provide them with the right information, of course).

If you are looking for a communication strategy for the media, to announce a fact or simply to write an opinion piece, a journalist is a great option.

because he always has an eye on what is newsworthy, on that piece of information email data that he knows will capture the attention of the media or the reader.

Copywriter: few words, but how well-placed

The copywriter is one of the most sought-after professionals, with a profile halfway between that of an editor and an advertising creative.

In a very simplified way we can say that he is an expert in persuasive writing and knows how to convince the reader to perform a certain action.

To achieve this, it triggers the famous mental triggers of the target news and interesting facts for september audience: shortcuts that our brain takes to make a decision without having to go through a long and laborious process that consumes our time and energy.

It often employs many psychological

principles such as reciprocity, social approval, affinity, authority, commitment, urgency, or scarcity to guide user behavior.

Therefore, he is also a great connoisseur of people and the way they act in response to a stimulus.

But not only that, it is also responsible for creating thailand lists that precise good journalist and catchy phrase that resonates in people’s heads or that accompanies a brand.

Remember BMW’s “you like to drive”? Yes, that’s it. And does good journalist Red Bull give you wings? Yes, that’s it.

With good copy

sneakers stop being simple sneakers and become real playmates, the perfect tool for children to fly free and give free rein to their creativity.

You will find the copywriter with a pen in his mouth, looking at the ceiling and waiting for “that phrase” to occur to him to win them all over (you know, inspiration has to catch you working…).

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