Attitude of friends and relatives

My name is Gavrilova Tatyana. I have been in the restaurant business for the last 11 years. I open food service outlets and also help operating businesses to recover from losses.

What inspired you to start your own business?
The situation in the restaurant business has worsened in the last two years due to the pandemic. Most owners have suspended their scaling, and some have had to close altogether.

Before the pandemic, the food

Service market was doing great, and my development in this business was gaining momentum.

Having gained experience in opening a business for customers, I only needed to determine a niche in which I would feel comfortable and confident. I did not have to move far from my sphere and decided to create a territory for family recreation.

Each of us, being in telegram number list quarantine or working remotely, can only dream of a cozy house. This is how the idea of ​​creating “Fazenda” was born – a territory for family recreation. We built 2 houses in the A-frame style with Russian wood-fired saunas.

After my husband Attitude of friends and I had thought through and calculated the project, we told our relatives about our idea. My parents were understanding and liked the idea: “If something goes wrong, you will live there.”

My husband’s parents decided that we were building a business that would provide us with additional income in retirement. They thought that we would live in one house and rent out the other.

We created an Instagram page and started

Sharing news about the previous research shows online reviews construction with our friends. As it turned out, most people dream of their own house or dacha and are happy to follow the progress of the construction.

Start-up capital
As for the start-up agb directory Attitude of friends capital, there was none. All the savings we had were spent on the family’s needs during the pandemic. Having drawnup a business plan and calculated all the nuances, we took out a loan. 

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