When you drink Coca-Cola, you brand-focused management are not just drinking a soft drink, but what it symbolically represents, within a set of efforts that have attributed subjective values to the product and service. These efforts are promoted by communication teams focused on building a brand that can move away from commodities that seek to differentiate themselves through price and start to influence people, connect with them and lead the market by encouraging ideals. These ideas stimulated in people’s minds become part of the individuality and daily life of the consumer who identifies with and is guided by the guidelines of this brand.
Building a brand is structured, after an analysis of the market, the public and the product and service offered, the brand begins to be built in its attributes, community and positioning. And what’s the big deal of a company without a strong brand structure? See below.
A structured brand is a consolidated brand, a brand-focused management that people identify through elements, know and promote. This knowledge allows:
Customer loyalty.
>Stable working capital.
lass=”yoast-text-mark” />>Easy opening of square.
>Easy promotion of new products.
>Market leadership.
>Increased demand.
>Possibilities for expansion with reduced risks for the brand.
>Possibility of increasing the monetary value of products and services.
>In other words, having a company with a brand phone number list without a defined identity – understanding identity not only as visual elements, but also content, language, form and channel – can mean that a company is missing out on opportunities for faster and brand-focused management healthier growth. Furthermore, a company that grows without a brand structure may be a company that will tend to have more significant investments later on to begin its positioning in the market and brand image in the minds of its consumers.
The work of structuring a brand is analytical and strategic, to do so, you need to know your business, your audience, the competitive scenario and also the general and specific behavioral context of the audience.
The restaurant franchise specializing in esfihas, Árabi’s, has 12 marketing strategies for small businesses been in the market for years and has grown exponentially in recent years. With new steps in its scope – when it signed a partnership agreement with the Havan chain of stores – the franchise faced a problem: Árabi’s had no brand structure, positioning or relationship with its customers, suppliers and employees.
In this way, Amblard Marketing’s planning and strategy professionals took action by mapping out competitors, public behavior and the market and saw some points that became a great opportunity for the company as a strong brand and market opening:
The competitive environment of esfiharias is made up of: a single cnb directory well-known brand and smaller regional companies.
>The main brand in the sector has a lower price than the others, but it is the leader in complaints about its quality.
Árabi’s has its own manufacturing structure, which facilitates quality control and the creation of new esfiha flavors.
The ads designed to reach, inform the first stage of transition and win over new potential buyers. Reached more than 1 million people in the first month. With a 368% growth in reach compared to the previous month. On average, 42,014 people were reached per day.
In terms of engagement, designed to encourage the relationship between the public and the brand. In this way – start the process of brand fixation and loyalty. There was a growth of 613.18% compared to the previous month.
objectives and experiments.
Despite the commitment and hard work an iconic brand tends. To remain on the market in a healthy way for much longer than an irrelevant brand. After all, the former will be in the mind. In the daily life and also in the emotional subconscious of its audience. That is, it will have a fundamental role in people’s lives, even if it is a prod
uct, service or institution.
Today, Árabi’s has a structured process of growth and identity, but, as previously mentioned. It doesn’t stop there. Coca-Cola, for example, continues to be Coca-Cola because it keeps up with changes. Modernizes itself and never stops relating to reinventing itself within its main brand identity and that is the challenge. To modernize, to know when to change and to be faithful to the main pillars of the brand’s attributes.