Carlos Jamel CEO

contact name: Carlos Jamel
contact job function details: ceo
contact job function:

contact job title: CEO

contact job seniority: c_suite

contact person city: Rio de Janeiro

contact person state: Rio de Janeiro

contact person country: Brazil

contact person zip code: 22770-220

business name: Novaterra Solucoes Em Geoinformacao

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

brazil whatsapp number data

business angellist:

business found year: 2004

business city: Rio de Janeiro

business zip code:

business state: State of Rio de Janeiro

business country: Brazil

business language: Portuguese

business employee: 8

business category: information technology & services

business specialty: satellite imagery, decision support, mapping, geoinformation management, gis geographical information systems, environment, planning, spatial data, restoration, geomatics, information technology and services

business technology: php_5_3,apache,google_analytics,wordpress_org

laurence crussol deputy chief executive officer

business description: Solu├º├╡es em Geoinforma├º├úo, imagens de sat├⌐lite, geoprocessamento, perfilamento laser, mapeamento e SIG/Web – Sistemas de Informa├º├╡es Geogr├íficas em ambiente web

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