We meet again today, like every Sunday, for a brand new podcast. Last week, we talk about the French idiomatic expression ” to fall into the trap “, and today, we are going to look at a new expression which is “to cry like a Madeleine like a Magdalene “. It is a fairly common expression in French because, as you may suspect, there are expressions that are more common than others, that is to say that we use them more or less often in our daily lives.
And finally, the word “a Madeleine”, which here refers to Mary Magdalene of the Bible. You should also know that a madeleine is very good to eat. It is a small cake, a small pastry, which is really succulent.
So the expression it comes from the Bible and it refers
to Mary Magdalene. So for Mary Magdalene, there are two women who are identifi with her. First, there is Mary Magdalene, so one of the most faithful disciples of Christ. In the gospels, she is describ as weeping bitterly before the empty tomb of Jesus after his crucifixion. And then, there is the anonymous sinner, so a former prostitute who, overcome usa whatsapp number data with remorse, well she confesses all her sins to Jesus. And while crying, she begins to bathe the feet of Jesus with her tears. So whether it is one or the other, so Mary Magdalene or the sinner, well this woman, she is associat with intense sorrow and a strong fit of tears.
So the expression, it became popular in the 19th century thanks to Honoré de Balzac in his work La comédie humaine . I think you understood it well here, the expression, it means to sh a lot of tears, to cry paulo fino enormously, to cry intensely like Mary Magdalene. I will give you three examples, three different contexts, so that you can understand the meaning of the expression.
So, first example: “When she heard the bad news, she burst into tears and cri like a Magdalene, unable to control herself.” So here, in this example, we are referring to a person who hears bad news and who, as a result, is probably overcome with grief, who bursts into tears and who is therefore compar here to a Magdalene to emphasize
the fact that she is inconsolable and that she cries a lot
I cry like a baby.” So I think you all know Titanic , which is quite a dramatic movie. So here, the person, she refers to the fact that every ao lists time she watches this movie, well she cries, she cries, she cries and she can’t stop, so she cries like a baby, that is to say a person who is suddenly bath in her tears and can’t stop crying.
Here are the three examples, so I think you must have grasp the meaning of the expression by now. Personally, when I cry, well it’s the same thing, I cry like a Magdalene. You, I don’t know. Tell me, are you more the type to cry softly, a little, with hot tears or downright cry like a Magdalene?