How does receivables anticipation work? Learn how to do it in practice

Has your company ever needed a sum of money that it didn’t have on hand? Do you often make sales on credit, such as credit cards, that take weeks or months to reach the cash register? Anticipating receivables is an alternative for these situations, as it allows you to advance an amount that would otherwise be received by the company at a future date .

Do you like the idea, but don’t know how receivables anticipation works?

There are some rules that the company must comply with in order to have the advance of receivables approved. In this article, you will be able to better understand how it works, what the fees are, how to do it, what is required, what the steps are and also what the advantages are of requesting the advance of receivables , when necessary.

Therefore, to find out how receivables anticipation works, just continue reading!

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How does receivables anticipation work?

Anticipation of receivables works when the turkey whatsapp number data institution grants the company an amount that already belongs to it. This ensures that the company’s accounts are up to date and that the needs and demands of the business are balanced. This ensures sufficient working capital to maintain activities.

Even with good financial control and a balance between payment and receipt deadlines, the company may end up experiencing difficulties, especially when unforeseen events and late payments by customers occur .

In these situations, there is a lack of money to form working capital and management needs to find a solution to avoid delaying its financial commitments . This is when anticipating receivables can be an ally. After all, taking out loans can be costly for the company.

Anticipating receivables is safer for institutions than lending — which makes it cheaper for the business. This is because the customer is more likely to make the payment, paying off the advance made to the company.

What documentation is required to advance receivables?

Understand the prerequisites your are there patterns of toxic or harmful links needs. To meet to have its receivables advance approved by Asaas:

For advance payments via credit card

  • Registration lack data at Asaas .
  • Pre-filled details of the paying customer (name, CPF/CNPJ and contact telephone number).
  • In the case of the sale of products, they must have been delivered. In the case of the provision of services, they must have at least been initiated.
  • For legal entities, registration must have been fully approved.
  • For individuals, having made the first transfer to a personal account. At least 45 days ago ( Pix is ​​not accepted for this criterion).

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