During the construction we changed

Finding employees is one of the most difficult points in any business. It turned out to be very difficult to find builders, or rather, there are many of them, but they do not vouch for the quality of the work done. “Where did you get the builders?” is the most frequent question on Instagram.

3 teams, and our relatives

who came from another city saved us, as well as a randomly freed team that finished work ahead of time at our friends’. Word of mouth helped us find specialists and complete the construction of our “Fazenda”.

Main difficulties
First, recruitment! I construction we changed t would seem that many are experiencing financial instability during the pandemic and are ready to go to work. However, finding even a general worker is sometimes very difficult; this season they raised their prices and reduced the working hours.

Trusted construction teams

Were booked until next year, and america phone number list everyone who knows the value of money works in the summer from erecting structures, while the weather conditions are good, but does not do interior finishing. They erected structures  construction we changed for us in a couple of weeks and we thought that we would open in a month. Unfortunately, the interior finishing took another 3 months.

The second difficulty is designers

They work out the project, calculate the materials, but in fact it turns out that the project has many nuances and the designer is not a builder. If you took money for the technical part of the design, then it is not a fact that it will be correct. It is important to fully study the project yourself, otherwise you will have to overpay for the foreman.

Of course, I construction what causes direct traffic in google analytics we changed would like to separately note the agb directory unstable prices for construction materials over the past 2 years. We made calculations in January, and by May we were already overpaying. That is why even the most accurate calculations do not give you a guarantee of a reliable estimate. You need to add another 30% on top.


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