Evaluation of link building methods

Submissions are the most natural method. You can add a link to your site in Google Maps, Google My Business, Yelp, and so on. The method works well in both domestic and Western markets. The task of citation, naturalness, and domain trust is solved. At the same time, this method is  uk telegram data not very skill-intensive.

This method is difficult to scale, because there aren’t that many good sites where you can get links through submissions – probably 100 to 150 in any given niche.

The submission method is good for a project that has just started to develop.

Crowd marketing received a “4” on all characteristics. When performed normally, this method is very safe, as long as you don’t put an anchor link and choose traffic platforms.

The method is more scalable than submissions (if you work in a narrow niche, you will always be limited by some kind of ceiling).

Working with forums is not as easy as it seems. Anyone who has tried to post at least 10 comments from forums on their project understands this. Therefore, the method is quite complicated and time-consuming.

Crowdmarketing is best suited for giving dynamics to your

Website’s link profile. It is the cheapest, most reliable method for ensuring that the number of links to your website is constantly growing. It is also suitable for spot promotion of your pages and for ensuring the safety of your ws database  website’s link profile.

Guest posts are a method that requires skills and

Experience, so it’s easy to make mistakes here. This method will add domain trust. However,  if done incorrectly, you can get not a plus, but a minus.  the most popular apps are apple pay The method is scalable and not very complicated to implement.

PBN is the most complex link building method, and therefore the least secure. It is important to use this method professionally and qualitatively.

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