Do you see that your current marketing activities are taking up too much money? Do you have a database with many contacts, but only a few people click on your ads? Or maybe you are just looking for tools that will make marketing easier in your company? Marketing Automation is just for you! In this article, you will find tips and tricks on how to automate your marketing processes to reduce costs and attract more customers.
Is MA for my business?
Marketing automation is useful for both an international corporation and a small family business. First of all, it is needed for companies that have many customers and a diverse range of products, but also want to save time on manual creation and sending of messages and advertisements. Marketing automation helps to communicate with the recipient through various channels, and iPresso offers Context-based Marketing Automation, i.e. actions embedded in the entire context of a potential customer.
Why can marketing automation reduce costs by up to 50%?
Imagine that you are sending messages advertising your latest product to a million recipients. Due to its limited edition, it is slightly more expensive than most previous products, so only a thousand users decide to buy it. Then you implement MA and set up sending emails only to people who buy luxury products from you, as well as to regular customers. Thanks to segmentation , five thousand recipients receive the emails. Due to the personalization of the messages, each of them feels special, and the product hong kong whatsapp number data recommendations additionally encourage them to make a purchase. Two thousand people buy the products. Despite much lower expenses on
How to automate marketing to see results?
Of course, implementing marketing automation alone won’t do anything and your expenses will continue to be the same if you don’t use different tools and make the changes and integrations needed for the system to it is necessary to work in real conditions work properly. Segmentation won’t be necessary if you’re going to set up all your mailings for all recipients anyway, and content personalization won’t make sense if you only want to advertise one product anyway and it’s going to be displayed even to someone who doesn’t feel like buying it. Marketing automation will help you get rid of old habits, but if you want to limit your advertising budget without losing interest, you have to accept these changes. There are a few important things to keep in mind when implementing Marketing Automation:
Creating a contact database
It is obvious that you need to have recipients to whom you will send messages. When creating a database and obtaining data from customers, you should make sure that they have given their consent to marketing communication, because this is mandatory, for example in legal matters. The information obtained will allow you to segment recipients and send messages only to selected segments. Remember to keep your database in order and if you see contacts who have not interacted with your company for several years, it is better to remove them from the database.
Selecting the communication channel preferred by the recipient
A common mistake companies make is assuming that the form of communication with the customer is not important. In reality, some users do not use a given communication channel or use it so rarely that the message from you eu phone number will be lost in the thicket of other notifications. There are people who never part with their mobile phone and read an SMS within a few seconds. Others prefer to communicate, for example, using WhatsApp , where they can interact and easily express their interest in a given topic. In addition to choosing the right communication channel, it is worth implementing an omnichannel strategy in your company, which consists of delivering the same content regardless of the communication channel it is transmitted through.
Planning recurring shipments
There are many things that should catch your eye, but there are also some that will trigger without your effort. Marketing automation allows you to create various scenarios that will automatically trigger a given action whenever a! contact meets certain conditions! and thanks to the campaign planner, you will plan actions that will take place both once and cyclically. An action that takes place every year? From now on, you don’t have to remember it.