Getting traffic to your How to optimize website is a very complex and sometimes time-consuming and expensive process, especially when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay per Click) strategies, respectively. In this sense, conversion rate optimization should occupy a more important place in your Digital Marketing strategy.
One way How to optimize of thinking about How to optimize this strategy is to create an analogy between our website and a physical store, with the focus being on points that, from the consumer’s point of view, add value and facilitate the purchasing process.
Carrying out tests with users
Who visit the website for the first time also provides extremely valuable feedback, which can signal potential frictions encountered in the conversion process and make it more intuitive, fluid and simple.
It is also important to understand that consumer behavior (customer journey) on the website varies from industry to industry. When we look at e-commerce websites, the conversion points are quite different from those of a website linked to the automotive sector, where the main objective will be to generate (leads) in more embryonic stages of the purchasing process.
However, and in a more general
Way, here are some strategies for optimizing the conversion rate on websites:
1- Value Proposition:
– Define clearly and evidently how our product/service helps our potential customers (prospects) to solve their “problems”.
– Unique Selling Points : highlight brazil whatsapp number data the points that prove that our offer is unique, innovative and different from the rest of the competition. Some examples: “lifetime guarantee”, “same day delivery”, “100% organic”, “from sustainable sources”, among many others.
2 – Website browsing experience
– This point is of special importance since a bad experience can destroy any marketing campaign, even if it is properly designed.
Website speed : Google data recommends that a page should not take more than 3 seconds to load, as the bounce rate increases significantly for higher values
Responsive and mobile-friendly the advantage of ultimate nofollow website : with traffic volumes shifting substantially from computers to mobile devices, it is important to ensure that the mobile version of your website also provides a unique experience. Some companies can achieve mobile visit rates of over 90%. In these cases, it is recommended that the mobile version be designed first and the desktop version built around the latter, rather than the other way around as is traditionally the case.
3 – Relevant Call to Action
Clearly illustrate the action you want users to take on the website. Use buttons, forms, blurbs , chat widgets , among others.
4 – Forms: must be simple and require strictly necessary information, quick to fill out, pointing to a clear purpose of contact
5 – Visible and clickable phone eu phone number number: if our goal is to get calls, making the phone number visible will be the first step to facilitate this process. In general, the number is often available in the top right corner of the page. Making this number clickable also makes it easier for users, especially those using mobile devices, to take action.
6 – Chat Widgets : with a! growing use rate in the! last two years! these widgets allow for quick and personalized ! communication that is very popular with users. However! in many mobile versions, these widgets are a hindrance to navigation, taking up a large part of the screen. When used, they should remain visible but in a subtle way to ensure a fluid and easy-to-use experience.