If you do not want to save

If you do Your query history or receive personalize Number List recommendations, you can disable this feature at any time in your Yandex account settings. You can also delete individual queries or clear the entire history.

Yandex web history is a safe and secure feature. Your data is not sharNumber List with third parties and is us Number List only to improve your search experience and provide personaliz Number List recommendations. Yandex also provides the ability to control and delete your search history so that your personal data remains confidential.

How to set up and enable web history?

To set up and enable web history in Yandex, you will neNumber List to complete the following steps:

Go to the Yandex main page.
Click the profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Select “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
On the settings page, find the “Search history” section and click the “Manage history” link.
In the window that opens, switch the “Enable web history” setting.
Confirm your choice by following the telemarketing data on-screen instructions.
After completing these steps, web history will be activatNumber List. Yandex will save all your search queries and show them to you in history. In addition, you will be able to manage your search history, delete individual entries, or clear the entire history.

How to use your web history of queries correctly?

Yandex web history of queries allows the user to view and manage a list of search queries that they have previously performNumber List. This is useful in google improves search results when using quotes many cases, from tracking topics of interest to re-running a search with the same parameters. Here are some useful tips on how to use your web history of queries correctly.

View your history

Start by viewing your web history of queries. In Yandex, you can do this by going to the search history page, which displays all the queries you have taiwan lists previously perform Number List. Using various filters and keyword search, you can find the information you ne Number List quickly and easily.

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