News and interesting facts for December

Google : Auction insights are now available in Report Editor, so you can visualize and segment them more easily
Google : Target spend feature for Maximize Clicks strategy will stop working from January

Google : you can use the 4:5 format in discovery campaigns (which you can recycle from networks)
Google : makes app engagement campaigns available globally

Google : will allow people to limit the display of alcohol and gambling ads

Google Editor 1.5 : allows better filtering using labels, working with image extensions, or controlling the power of responsive ads
News – Facebook and Instagram

Facebook : Sued by the FTC for cashapp database anti-competitive practices. If the lawsuit were successful in court, Facebook would have to sell both Instagram and WhatsApp.

FB : added new options for automotive insurers, including easier ad creation

LinkedIn : discovered it was measuring video playback incorrectly. Will refund advertisers.

Heureka : adds an additional source analyze and make data-driven decisions with valid values ​​for GOOGLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORY to its CSS program for free
Sklik : introduced new targeting, interests are newly modeled using a new classifier of visited pages.

Twitter : allows you to limit the frequency of ad display

Do you have a moment to read some interesting articles?

Running campaigns abroad is sometimes really hard! For example maldivian lads in Japan, where you just can’t tweak a website. Check out this interesting article about why Japanese websites are so different. Outdated fonts, boring content, different culture.

I’m not really into podcasts, but maybe some of you are. In this article you will find the top SEM podcasts .

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