The COVID-19 pandemic The growing importance has the entire economy, with a greater impact on the tourism sector, but not only, as almost all organizations have been forced to adapt to this new reality and have had to redesign certain processes in the provision of their services. And, since services are currently the core of any business in which a simple product has an service, there are processes that increasingly need to be worked on in organizations.
As mentioned, the tourism sector
Particularly the hotel sector, has been heavily affected by this pandemic, and focusing a little more on these services due to their cambodia whatsapp number data high involvement, will expose concepts that are relevant to organizations’ strategies for a more successful economic recovery. However, it is important to note that these concepts are transversal to other business areas.
The highly competitive nature of
The sector and its high level of involvement between customers and service providers are factors that lead companies to increasingly seek to deliver a superior value proposition. There are many times when the price factor ceases to be crucial and becomes a secondary consideration. Consumers are looking for added some of the rules that google value and increasingly seek experiences that exceed their expectations. This then results in higher levels of satisfaction and a longer-lasting relationship, as well as positive WOM (word of mouth).
In a recent study I conducted, in
Which I studied the impact that customer co-creation has on services, with application to the tourism sector, I concluded that participation in the creation of the service leads to companies having a higher level of customer orientation, which in turn influences customer loyalty. Customer participation also has a eu phone number positive influence on their experience. In this specific case, customers are looking for something new in the service they have already purchased, because if the service does not offer any add-ons, their intention to use the service again is lower. In other words, customers are looking for a new experience that is more rewarding. And to understand what customers , it is essential to provide customer orientation and encourage them to participate in the service. Consumers are increasingly looking for organizations that demonstrate that they are relevant and authentic.
Finally, customer orientation is
Essential, and customer participation in the service is crucial for a long-term relationship. Only then will organizations have the opportunity to offer a value-added service, exceeding expectations and creating memorable experiences. This will allow companies to achieve higher profitability rates and thus recover from this negative phase caused by the pandemic.