Wht position cn psychonlysis tke in the mngement of chronic pin ptients? Pierre Ebtinger, in the first workshop on the question of the pinful boy s it cn be unerstoo by current micine, plc us squrely in front of this problem. s consultnt in center treting pin ptients, he gve us some ies for reflection The possibility .
Pin, when chronic, oes not encourge verbliztion, it is “mute”, n this ifficulty is not unrelt to certin molity of the reltionship with the Other. P. Ebtinger propos the expression “wll of enil” to escribe this problem, enil to be unerstoo not s mens of efense us by the subject but s n impossibility for the subject to
“recognize wht is The possibility hppening to him”.
Whtever his structure, the subject cn be confront with situtions where he will not be ble to respon with the efenses tht his structure usully provies him: “events tht leve him speechless, without phone number list solution of the orer of fntsy, scenrio or elirium”. This occurrence occurs when the subject is confront with n Other who oes not recognize him s the subject of his enuncition, sitution tht ppers s “typicl of the instlltion of pin”.
clinicl vignette illustrtes this, which exmples of wrns in the gme presents the cse of young womn suffering from pinful point in the pelvic region, enlessly coming up ginst the inbility of micine to relieve .
To the possibility of not knowing the origin
of her pin, n this meeting provies her with n initil relief s it interrupts the micl relentlessness. The young womn then questions her reltionship moe with her mother where ny request for iscussion list of rel mobile phone numbers on her prt results in the mother ” finl refusl”, the ltter ismissing the subjects tht bother her n feeling personlly ccus: there is ricl closing of the Other to the subject’s request.