Understanding Victoria Australia Phone Numbers

Keywords: Victoria phone number

Australian phone number, area codes, mobile numbers, landline numbers, phone number format, dialing codes, international calls

Victoria, Australia, boasts a vibrant

And diverse community, making it a popular destination for both residents and visitors alike. Effective communication is essential in today’s world, and understanding the intricacies of Victoria’s phone number system is crucial for staying connected. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information about Victoria phone numbers, including area codes, mobile numbers, landline numbers, and international dialing codes.

Victoria’s Phone Number Structure

Australian phone numbers, including those in Victoria, typically consist of ten digits. The format is as follows:

  • Area Code: The first two or three digits indicate the geographical area.
  • Subscriber Number: The remaining seven digits identify the specific subscriber.

Victoria’s Area Codes

Victoria is divided into several area code regions. Some of the most common area codes include:

  • Melbourne: 03
  • Geelong: 03
  • Ballarat: 03
  • Bendigo: 03
  • Warrnambool: 03

It’s important to note that area codes can change over time, and new area codes may be introduced to accommodate population growth.

Mobile Numbers in Victoria

Mobile phone numbers in Victoria follow Jordan 5 Million WhatsApp Number the same ten-digit format as landline numbers. However, mobile numbers typically begin with a specific set of digits, which can vary between different mobile carriers.

Landline Numbers in Victoria

WhatsApp Number List

Landline numbers in Victoria are also ten digits long and follow the same basic structure as mobile numbers. However, landline numbers often have additional features, such as caller ID and call waiting.

International Calls to Victoria

To make an international call to Victoria, you’ll need to dial the country code for Australia (61) followed by the area code and subscriber number. For example, to call a Melbourne number (03 1234 5678) from the United States, you would dial 011 61 3 1234 5678.

Important Considerations

  • Mobile Number Portability: In Reaching Every Customer: The Power of Multi-Channel Marketing Australia, including Victoria, mobile number portability allows users to retain their phone number when switching between different mobile carriers.
  • 13 and 18 Numbers: These are special numbers used for national services and toll-free calls.
  • Area Code Changes: Area code changes can occur, so it’s essential to stay updated on any modifications.


Understanding Victoria’s phone number system is essential for effective communication within the state and with the rest of the world. By familiarizing yourself with area codes, mobile numbers, landline numbers, and international dialing procedures, you can confidently make and receive calls within Victoria and from overseas.

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