Main elements of the website interface


A woman who holds a high position must create the impression of not only a beautiful lady, but also a good specialist, an interesting person.

A successful leader must be a stable! erudite!active person, regardless of gender. To achieve heights, it is necessary to constantly improve, work on speech, manners, expand your horizons, engage in personal growth.

A business lady must have a good understanding of psychology, be able to build relationships with any people, speak foreign phone number list languages, have hobbies and interests (sports, travel, creativity, music, volunteering, etc.).


To create a successful image as a leader, a modern woman should:

  1. Improve your communication skills – know the intricacies of negotiations, be able to speak in front of an audience, develop attitude of friends and relatives diction and vocabulary, work on your oratory skills.
  2. Improve your professional level – attend seminars and trainings, engage in self- ,ucation (in business schools or independently), regularly get acquaint , with new trends, discoveries, achievements in science and business, etc.
  • Find out more about creating a businesswoman’s wardrobe.

The basis of the image of the sault data manager is the suit, and in the ladies’ wardrobe there should be different versions of it. As for the classic ensemble! it consists of a jacket and a straight-cut skirt! which can have a slit at the back (no higher than 10 cm). The length of the skirt should not be higher than the knee, but not lower than the middle of the calf. As for the color, it is better to give preference to strict, monochromatic models and avoid bright, contrasting combinations.

Recommend , articles on this topic:

  • Motivating a Manager: Preparing the Foundation and Building a System
  • 53 Books for Managers of Any Level
  • Digest #2. Marketing news and trends for managers

A business woman’s suit can be a classic three-piece suit or a dress suit. The best material for such clothes is consider , to be thin wool, smooth or with a light texture.


Simple but elegant things will help to create the image of a woman with taste. It is worth remembering that in one ensemble it is not worth combining more than three colors, but it is preferable to stop at two.

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