Domain Power and Page Power

Domain Strength checks the strength of the backlink profile of the linking website, whereas Page Strength focuses only on the individual page you are analyzing.

Anchor Text

This column shows the anchor text of the phone number database backlink . This is useful if you want to see if you are getting contextual links to important pages.

The Anchor Text column shows the most popular anchor texts that other websites use when linking back to your website.


The Image column shows whether the referring link is an image or a text backlink. This is especially useful if you are running a backlink campaign with a focus on link building through images and infographics.

What to Look for When Monitoring Your Backlink History

So what exactly are you looking for when studying your site’s backlink history?

In short, you are looking for what kind of changes have occurred and whether those changes are positive or negative.

I’ve put these changes into three main categories and have affectionately named them: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

(Note: The list below does not cover every possible status change that may occur. However, by using the list below, you should be able to easily determine what category of change has occurred with status changes that are not included in this list.)

The good one

Whenever a backlink changes from “Nofollow” to “Follow”, it how to charge via whatsapp: learn about asaas’ automatic notifications is a good thing. This means that the backlink that was previously nofollow is now follow.

This is almost always a good thing.

But remember that spam backlinks can also experience this status change (in which case it is definitely not a good thing).

So make sure you always investigate new backlinks in the Backlinks module to make sure they are not unnatural or spammy .

The bad one

Any time a link that was previously followed but is now nofollowed, it is not good for your link profile.

You’ll almost always want to contact the site owner in these cases and ask what caused this change to occur.

If you can, work with the site owner to fix the issue and change the status back to follow.

Backlink History Summary

Now you have a solid understanding of cell phone number how often backlink status can change and how important it is to monitor your backlink history.

It only takes a few minutes to do, but those few minutes can turn into higher search engine rankings.

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