I’ll talk about how I find article ideas, what my content planning looks like, and how I deal with time constraints and stress. I’ll also go into more detail about my actual writing process Blog Case Study.
I also address the question of whether I should focus on timeless articles or current news in the future. Enjoy reading. I’m of course happy to receive comments.
Content planning with my blog Case Study
The first question that many people are probably asking is: Is content planning even necessary for a hobby blog?
Of course, not necessarily. Anyone who blogs purely for fun can of course do it however they want. However, I plan to make my blog successful, even if it is a hobby blog.
From my many experiences over the last 10 years special database as a blogger Case . I can say that good content is the key to the success of a blog. But since not all content is the same, you need to plan and analyze your own content.
In addition, with a hobby blog it can happen very quickly that you keep putting off writing new articles and eventually nothing comes out at all. This can also be prevented with content planning.
Find article ideas
The first step in content planning is to come up with ideas for new articles Blog Case Study . It is of course very helpful if you are blogging about a hobby of your own. In contrast to niche websites, it is definitely useful for blogs to have a great interest and passion for the topic. Article ideas then come almost automatically because you are already very intensively involved with the topic.
I also tried to find special article ideas instead of just introducing or reviewing board games like most people do. That is certainly an important part, but it is by no means a way to set yourself apart from other bloggers and make your own blog something special.
It is therefore important to regularly gather new ideas and also to develop new, special article ideas by combining or further developing existing content.
weekly planning
I have a relatively loose content planning. I enter the next planned articles for the current week and maybe for the beginning of the next week in my desk calendar. This helps me a lot to actually implement these articles, because I know in advance when I want to write which article. This way I can think about it a bit in advance and carry out any necessary research.
That works pretty well, even if it doesn’t always work. After all, I blog in my free time and with family and other commitments, things just get in the way. In the the ıt industry has never been closed to women last few weeks. It was mainly the weather with hot temperatures that messed up my plans a bit.
I don’t have any long-term planning at the moment. One of the reasons for this is that I want it to remain a hobby and not degenerate into too much stress and work. After all, I don’t just want to work through a content plan, I want to write about what interests me at the moment. And so I’ve found a pretty good middle ground with short-term weekly planning.
However, like everything, this is of course a work in progress. Just as I am constantly adapting and optimizing my work workflow and trying out new things, my hobby blog will certainly change as well.
Timeless Content vs. News
A special aspect of content creation is the balance between timeless content and current news articles.
In such a product-related topic area, there is always news and of course it is often easier to report on such news than to research and write a more complex background article.
However, I have learned from my own blogs that timeless articles are much better because they often bring a lot of visitors to your blog years later. For example, I posted my “Links of the Week” articles here on the blog Selbstaendig-im-netz.de a while ago.
When analyzing the traffic of individual article uae phone number types. I noticed that no one looks at these “Links of the Week” articles later on. Visitors only visited them shortly after publication. That’s why I wanted to concentrate on timeless articles in the future.