Official partner of solutions

Official partner of the R principle with the implementation of EU projects. Implementation of projects in accordance with the R criteria is mandatory. Taking the SMART Path as an example. The funding application should indicate compliance. With at least two R principles, describe how the project will be implement in accordance with. The select principles and condition their application within specific indicators. The project’s compliance with the R criteria in the SMART Path is as follows. As we indicate above, the “refuse” principle applies to the abandonment of materials, products or substances that cannot be reuse.

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Repair or recycle and whose impact on the environment and human health or life is negative. The application of this principle should be confirm by complete elimination of materials. Substances and products with the indicate characteristics. It is Photo Retouching then necessary to demonstrate those materials, substances or products that were eliminate. As a result of the project implementation in relation to current production or traditional production methods. The applicant may confirm this by conducting research on the abandonment of the use of such materials, substances or products and support, for example, an indicator regarding the number of studies or the number of products or processes.

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Cover by these studies. The purpose of this principle is to reduce the consumption of renewable resources and non-renewable materials, substances or products through the use of appropriate technological, logistic or economic activities. Minimization School Email List should lead to a real reduction in the consumption of renewable resources non-renewable resources (e.g. mineral raw materials: energy, metallic, chemical, rock and organic) or materials, substances or products during or as a result of the project implementation in relation to the current activity or in relation to traditional methods of conducting it.

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