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It is because videos on YouTube are the content with the greatest viral potential. Viral marketing – advantages Building huge ranges among various groups of recipients. Low cost of distribution, because users “transfer” the advertisement to themselves. Increasing brand awareness among a large group of recipients. Increasing sales and increasing website traffic. No matter what…

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10 Funny Special Database Quotes

Databases may not be the most exciting topic to discuss, but they are certainly an essential part of our digital world. They store, organize and manage vast amounts of information, making it accessible and retrievable at any time. But even in the world of databases, there’s room for humor and fun. Here are ten funny…

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13 Myths About Special Database

When it comes to special databases, there are many myths that surround them. These databases are designed to store large amounts of data that may not fit into traditional databases. They are often used for specific purposes, such as scientific research, finance, or healthcare. In this post, we will debunk some of the most common…

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