What is the best receivables anticipation platform?

A receivables anticipation platform is responsible for advancing the receipt of an amount that will be due on a future date. In other words, if your company has scheduled debts, you can withdraw this amount before the debt is paid.

In this case, to avoid generating risks for the business, it is important to choose an anticipation platform that offers financial solutions in an efficient, practical and secure way .

To help you with this task, we will show you what a good receivables anticipation platform should have . This way, you will know what service possibilities can be offered by this system.

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How does a receivables anticipation platform work?

Advance payment is a type of credit line, allowing the sweden whatsapp number data of payments before the compensation period. The tool helps business finances, providing greater cash flow and avoiding debts .

Each platform has its own rules regarding advance payment . At Asaas, for example, when this service is requested, it must first undergo an internal analysis. Based on this assessment, it will be possible to know whether the request was approved or not.

This analysis includes information such as: revenue, Serasa restrictions , default rate, economic activities, among other data requested by the institution. All of this is to ensure the security of your account and that of the company itself.

What is the difference between a loan and an advance on receivables?

Unlike a loan, with an jindra jíra in a podcast about b2b marketing  on receivables, your company does not need to pay for the money in advance. Since that payment is already yours, there is no interest or installments to pay later.

It is worth noting that companies that offer this service generally charge a fee for advance payment. The form and amount of the fee applied varies depending on the institution involved. Therefore, remember to check all the terms and conditions for using the advance payment.

At Asaas, for example, the receivables advance fee is minimal and, by opening a digital PJ account , you can enjoy other free benefits.

Which receivables can be advanced?

Although there are a variety of options, not all types of lack data can be advanced. Generally, the methods accepted by these services are those that are listed as pending , that is, those that have a payment forecast .

Therefore, receivables for the following payments can be anticipated :

  • Installment sale;
  • Credit card;
  • Checks;
  • Bank slip.

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