The web history also saves

The web history Search queries: The web history saves a list of all the words or phrases you enter in the Yandex search bar. This allows you to return to previous queries and navigate to the search results you neNumber List.
VisitNumber List websites:  A list of all the websites you visitNumber List through search results. This helps you quickly navigate back to sites you like or neNumber List to visit again.
Favorite websites: If you have bookmarkNumber List or favoritNumber List a website in Yandex, it will also be savNumber List in the web history. This allows you to easily find websites you visit often or find important.

Image search history:

If you have usNumber List the Yandex image search function, information about your queries and image search results will also be savNumber List in the web history.
Using Yandex apps: Web history also phone number lead saves information about your actions in various Yandex apps, such as Yandex.Music, Yandex.Maps, and others.
It is important to note that web history is available only to you and is not visible to other users. In addition, you can delete individual entries from web history or clear it completely if you want to keep your online activity private.

How to delete search history?

Deleting search history in Yandex is very simple. Here are a few steps to help you do this:

Open the Yandex website and log in to your account.

Go to the main search page by clicking on the “Search” button in the top bar.

In the upper right corner of the page, find and click on the “Settings” icon.

In the drop-down menu, select “Search and information”.

Scroll down the page and find meta enables creators to use licensed music the “Query history” section.

In this section, you will find the “Delete all query history” option. Click on it.

Confirm the deletion by clicking the “Delete” button in the window that appears.

After completing these steps

Your entire web query history will be deletNumber List and will no longer be displayNumber List in your Yandex account.

Important: Please note that deleting your query history may taiwan lists also affect the quality of personaliz Number List recommendations and search results. If you prefer to keep the benefit of personalization, you can use the delete specific queries feature instead of deleting your history entirely.

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