The presence of almost female teams, randomly select for a specific project, is no longer a rarity. Now our teams lack a gender component: the level of the specialist and getting into “their” team are valu above all, and we fully support the fashionable word diversity.
In this “own” team, all the participants
Ae different, which helps us find solutions to complex problems faster, withstand a high pace and a heavy workload. We are different in everything: where we studi, how we think, how we start solving a problem, how we analyze mistakes, how quickly we panic, what kind of plates we make in the pottery workshop, and what poems we read. Common traits that are in demand are tolerance, a sense of humor, and a willingness to share responsibility. Personally, I am for mix teams. It is more comfortable to work in them: girls bring a bit of flair and feminine logic, which is often also important for IT, and young men bring firmness and persistence.
Men have more opportunities for career advancement
I will not hide the fact that even now europe cell phone number list in the IT industry there are more opportunities for rapid career growth for men: they are eagerly hir for open positions, transferr to responsible and managerial positions. If we talk about age restrictions, then women ag 30-45, having excellent experience and skills, are distract and diversitye by family matters, and if not in time, then morally. This can serve as an insignificant, but a brake on active permanent work. However, men can also lose heart due to personal problems and it is still unknown who will recover faster.
It’s not about the skirt, it’s about the head
I am sure that and diversitye respond to reviews accordingly women who do not focus on defending their own rights, but agb directory do their work with pleasure and well, will always be able to realize themselves in any business, even not entirely feminine. Of course, somewhere you will have to prove that you are not a camel, but, believe me, it is not about having a skirt, but in the head!