How to promote a book (participatory post)

How to promote  As I like  go from theory  practice, I’m thinking. After that, about how the book could be promoted. I’m going  be transparent with you. I get 8% on each sale (sale price 18 euros). Selling a lot of books is not. After that, going  make me a rich man overnight,  I don’t know how  explain it very well because it is more of an emotional issue than a rational one

How to become a book author promote

How to I already said it a long category email list time ago. Creating a blog is the easiest way become a book author because you are constantly. After that, creating content. My case has not been different in this sense. Maybe it has been a little special because I have been lucky enough  have been contacted by the publishing house Esfera Libros offering me the author contract without me. After that, having  do anything. You don’t always have  go this route. You can publish your own book through other channels only the guys at Libros.

My ideas to sell my Guerrilla Marketing for brave entrepreneurs participatory post

Guerrilla School Email List Marketing for brave entrepreneurs” I want this  be a participatory post . I’m going  involve you in the brainstorming. After that, process from the beginning because I honestly still don’t know how I’m going  promote this book. These are some of the ideas of which some I am going  implement and others where I am not yet so clear.

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