Can you help me shape my new book?

At the end of the year I made the decision to embark again on the adventure of writing a book. I’ve been chewing on the idea for more than two years. On the one hand, the project makes me . Dizzy, but on the other hand, I knew that this moment was going to come. I have a lot to tell you. I have a clear idea of ​​the book and its structure, but I want to write something that is 100% oriented to what you need. And what . Better way to achieve this than by asking yourself directly, right? The objective of the book is to help . SMEs, entrepreneurs and self-employed people understand that the success of their projects or the marketing of their company is.  Based on factors that are not normally taken into account.

Fill out the survey and participate in the draw for 2 of my marketing books

Do you find it interesting? If so, I ask you to help me shape it by answering this survey ( it will take less than 5 minutes ). Also, if at the end of it you leave me your email, you will be entered into the.  GIVEAWAY for two copies of “ Better than sales, get clients .” Fill out the survey by clicking here industry email list or if you prefer, fill it out directly in the form I leave you below: The image that.  Accompanies the article ( teamwork ) is from Freepik Do you like what you are reading? Subscribe to my newsletter

TikTok, the new marketing toy

One of the biggest mistakes made by companies, derived from the errors previously mentioned, is joining fashion trends. The most recent is TikTok. Yes, it is true that its initial boom has long passed, but it is only recently that companies are beginning to take the step School Email List of having a presence (or at least considering it). Before you think badly, of course I think there are opportunities on TikTok. But like the rest of social networks, I think they are for a certain audience segment and type of products. It is not the best option for any type of company. The final moral is not only that.  There may be something positive for me (or my company), if it is not how good it is and what I am giving up doing by getting into this social network.